Men's Health

Addressing Testosterone Deficiency (TD) Concerns in Men

If you're experiencing symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency (TD), we're here to help. Contact us to discuss your situation and explore available services tailored to your needs. 

Understanding Testosterone Deficiency (TD): TestosteroneDeficiency (TD) is a common endocrine condition affecting men, often overlooked in routine screenings. Despite its prevalence, untreated TD can significantly impact quality of life due to associated symptoms. 

Symptoms of TD: TD symptoms typically manifest in three main categories:

  • Physical: Loss of strength, weight gain, muscle mass reduction, and fatigue.
  • Sexual: Erectile dysfunction and diminished libido.
  • Psychological: Mood fluctuations, increased anxiety, and decreased confidence.

Identifying Causes:
TD can stem from various factors: 

  • Classical issues with brain signalling or testicular testosterone production.
  • Androgen receptor resistance, hindering testosterone effectiveness at the cellular level.
  • Age-related decline in testosterone production.
  • Environmental influences such as lifestyle habits and metabolic conditions like diabetes or obesity.
  • Certain medications may also impact testosterone levels.

Our Approach:
We conduct comprehensive assessments including history, examination, and fasting laboratory work to identify underlying causes of symptoms. Follow-up appointments are arranged as needed. Treatment, if appropriate, involves regular symptom screening and relevant blood tests.

Your Well-being Matters: Don't let TD symptoms impact your quality of life. Our services are designed to provide personalised care and support tailored to your needs. Contact us today to start your journey towards improved health and vitality.

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