Men's Health

Support for Men Concerned About Premature Ejaculation

If you're troubled by premature ejaculation (PE), know that you're not alone. We offer services tailored to address concerns related to PE. Contact us to discuss your situation and explore available options.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation: PE is a prevalent sexual issue among men, characterised by orgasming too quickly during sexual intercourse or in anticipation of it. While the average time to orgasm varies from person to person, PE can significantly impact sexual satisfaction and confidence.

Identifying Causes: Numerous factors can contribute to PE, including anxiety, stress, and sexual inexperience.Physical conditions such as an overly tight foreskin or heightened penile sensitivity may also play a role. Relationship difficulties, sexual insecurity, or communication gaps with your partner can exacerbate the problem.

Exploring Solutions: Effective management of PE involves various strategies, including:

  • Open communication with your partner to reduce anxiety and foster intimacy
  • Prioritising foreplay to alleviate performance pressure and enhance enjoyment
  • Practicing techniques like the Stop and Start method or the squeeze technique to delay ejaculation and improve control
  • Considering medication options like Priligy tablets(Dapoxetine) or local anaesthetic creams to manage PE symptoms
  • Seeking psychological treatments or counselling to address underlying stressors and relationship dynamics

Empowering Men's Sexual Health: We're dedicated to supporting your sexual well-being and helping you overcome challenges related to PE. Don't hesitate to reach out to discuss your concerns and explore personalised treatment approaches. Your satisfaction and confidence in your sexual experiences matter to us.

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