Men's Health

Male Breast Cancer Awareness

If you have questions or worries about Breast Cancer, we're here to offer support and guidance. Reach out to us to talk about your situation and discover the services we can provide.

Men too can be affected by breast cancer, a fact that often surprises many. While it's true that breast tissue development differs between genders, both men and women possess similar breast tissue until puberty. However, hormonal changes during puberty cause breasts to develop in females while inhibiting growth in males.

Though rare, breast cancer can occur in men. In Ireland, only about 18-20 cases are diagnosed annually. Symptoms typically include a painless lump in the breast, nipple discharge (often blood-stained), nipple abnormalities like tenderness or inversion, and sometimes swelling or ulceration of the breast tissue. Swollen lymph nodes under the arm may also indicate a problem.

Given the rarity of male breast cancer, individuals may dismiss symptoms, delaying crucial medical attention. Consequently, diagnoses may occur at advanced stages, underscoring the importance of prompt evaluation of any concerning symptoms. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes, emphasising the necessity of timely medical intervention. If you have concerns or notice any unusual changes, we encourage you to reach out for a consultation. Your health matters, regardless of gender.

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