Men's Health

Supporting Men's Mental Health

Concerned about your mental health? We're here to help. Reach out to us to start a conversation about your well-being.

Recognising Mental Health Challenges: Depression and anxiety affect males of all ages and are real conditions deserving attention. Men face elevated rates of mental health issues, including suicide and substance abuse, while engagement with mental health services remains low.

Addressing Suicidal Risk: Men are four times more likely to die by suicide than women, with societal rejection often exacerbating feelings of isolation and alienation. In Ireland, 75% of suicides are among men. Support is crucial in combating these alarming statistics. 

Understanding Substance Abuse: Substance abuse disproportionately affects men, often stemming from stressful life events like unemployment and divorce. Negative experiences in family courts can further contribute to feelings of isolation, prompting maladaptive coping mechanisms. 

Challenges in Seeking Help: Men are less likely than women to seek mental health services, with formal options sometimes failing to meet their needs. Practical interventions, like "men’s sheds," offer valuable peer support and hands-on activities as alternative approaches to traditional therapy. 

Advocating for Change: Men's mental health requires a holistic approach, addressing societal factors like unemployment and familial disruption. Tailored interventions that acknowledge men's unique needs are essential in fostering mental well-being. 

You're Not Alone: It's okay not to be okay. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you need immediate support, reach out to Pieta House at 1800 247 247 or The Samaritans at 116 123. In emergencies, call 112 or 999 or seek assistance from your local hospital. Don't suffer in silence—support is available.  

Whole Health Focus

Comprehensive and holistic approach to care, keeping men healthy in body and mind.

Expert Guidance

Listen to our specialists discussing men's health issues in the media here.

Friendly and Affordable

Making it simple for men to stay healthy. We make visits easy and as stress free as possible.

Empowering Men.