Men's Health

Support for Men Concerned About Prostate Health

If you're worried about your prostate health, we're here to provide support and guidance. Contact us to discuss your concerns and explore available services.

 Health:The prostate gland, about the size of a walnut, plays a vital role in semen production and urine flow regulation. Issues such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH) commonly affect men as they age. 

Benign ProstaticHypertrophy (BPH): BPH, characterised by prostate enlargement, is prevalent in men over 50 and can cause urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and nocturia. Diagnosis involves a physical examination, urine volume assessment, and blood tests. Treatment options range from medication and lifestyle adjustments to surgical interventions like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). 

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Irish men, with over 3,000 diagnoses annually. Risk factors include age, ethnicity, and family history. Screening involves prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal examinations(DRE). However, PSA levels may be elevated in non-cancerous conditions likeBPH, leading to the need for careful evaluation. 

NavigatingDiagnosis and Treatment: Diagnosing prostate cancer requires weighing the benefits and risks of screening tests. Early detection may allow for effective management, including watchful waiting, surgery, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy. Treatment decisions should consider potential side effects such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. 

Promoting Prostate Health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The Irish Cancer Society offers valuable resources and support for individuals affected by prostate cancer. 

Your Well-Being Matters:Your prostate health is important, and we're dedicated to providing personalised care and support. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance or to schedule an appointment .Together, we can navigate your concerns and promote your overall well-being.

Whole Health Focus

Comprehensive and holistic approach to care, keeping men healthy in body and mind.

Expert Guidance

Listen to our specialists discussing men's health issues in the media here.

Friendly and Affordable

Making it simple for men to stay healthy. We make visits easy and as stress free as possible.

Empowering Men.