Men's Health

Addressing Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Our services cater to men dealing with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). If you're experiencing ED, please don't hesitate to reach out for help.

ED often results from diminished blood flow, and orally administered PDE5 inhibitor drugs can effectively restore blood supply for some individuals. However, narrow blood vessels in the penis may indicate broader cardiovascular issues. Additionally, ED can stem from conditions like diabetes, prostate problems, or side effects of certain medications, such as antidepressants.

Testosterone Deficiency (TD) can also contribute to ED. Similar to hormonal shifts in women, declining testosterone levels in men, particularly as they age, can lead to reduced libido and ED. Testosterone replacement therapy, especially when combined with other treatments, can enhance erections for TD-afflicted individuals.

Diet and lifestyle changes can significantly impact ED. Overweight individuals, who constitute a substantial portion of older adults, are more prone to ED, but weight loss and regular exercise can yield positive results. Adopting elements of the Mediterranean diet, like olive oil, fish, and nuts, can benefit heart health and subsequently improve erectile function.

Psychological factors, affecting up to 20% of ED cases, necessitate counselling. Performance anxiety and the influence of pornography on sexual behaviour are common psychological contributors to ED. Talk therapy can address these issues and positively impact intimacy and relationship dynamics over time.

Various medical treatments are available for ED:

There is a range of medical treatments for erectile dysfunction:

  • PDE5 inhibitor drugs: Taken orally, they enhance blood flow to the penis, with some requiring immediate intake before intercourse and others taken regularly for long-term improvement.
  • Injectable therapies: Involving prostaglandin injections directly into the penis, providing rapid efficacy.
  • Urethral pellets or topical creams: Deliver prostaglandin directly to the penis, offering alternative administration methods.

For those considering other interventions, surgical options like penile prosthesis implantation, malleable implants, or non-invasive vacuum devices are available.Additionally, Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy (LIST) promotes penile blood vessel growth and can be recommended if deemed suitable.

We're here to support you on your journey to addressing ED. Please reach out to discuss the best options for your situation.

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